How To Use Liquid Builder Gel Like An Expert?

Publish Time: 2024-03-29     Origin: Site

Using liquid builder gel like a pro requires precision, practice, and attention to detail. Here are the steps to effectively apply liquid builder gel:

Step 1: Preparing natural nails

Before using liquid builder gel, we need to thoroughly clean and trim our natural nails. We need to dissolve and remove the nail polish left on existing nails with nail polish remover. Use nail clippers and nail files to shape your nails. Cut off the raised barbs on your fingers and push the cuticles to the base of the nails.

Step 2: Apply a layer of base nail polish

Applying a layer of nail polish for maintenance on the original nail will not only help the liquid builder gel better adhere to the nail surface, enhance adhesion, but also help protect Our native nails.

Step 3: Choose the right gel

Choosing products from high-quality Liquid Builder Gel manufacturers can minimize possible allergies.

Also, choose the appropriate viscosity and formula of liquid builder gel based on the desired nail extension or enhancement. Thicker liquid builder gel is typically used to add strength and structure to nails, while thinner liquid builder gel is better for creating a smoother, more even surface on nails.

Thicker liquid builder gel provides more volume and support, making it suitable for building nail beds and creating extensions with greater durability. On the other hand, thinner liquid builder gel makes it easier to achieve a smooth and polished effect, especially when filling in gaps or uneven areas on the nail surface.

Step 4: Use a paper holder

Place the paper holder on your nail, roll it up so it fits the curve of your natural nail, and secure it in place.

You can trim the paper holder to best fit your nail shape.

Step 5: Apply a layer of liquid builder gel

Using a gel brush, apply a thin layer of liquid builder gel to the entire nail surface, starting from the very bottom of our natural nails and working toward the fingertips, making sure to apply evenly and leave no gaps.

Extend the liquid builder gel onto the paper holder and control the length of the extension to your liking. This is a crucial step in nail extension, where the liquid builder gel acts as the material that lengthens and shapes the nail.

Step 6: Curing the liquid builder gel

After applying a layer of liquid builder gel, cure the nails. This can usually be done using a nail lamp and takes about 60-120 seconds, depending on the size of the gel and lamp.

Step 7: Build Structure

If extra thickness or structure is needed, apply an additional layer of Liquid Builder gel to the nail, focusing on areas that need more reinforcement, such as the apex (the highest point of the nail) and sidewalls. Use a brush to sculpt the gel into the desired shape.

Step 8: Cure and repeat (if necessary)

After each coat of liquid builder gel, cure nails under a manicure lamp. Repeat the process of applying liquid builder gel and curing until the desired thickness and structure is achieved.

Step 9: Finish and Shape

Once you've achieved your desired thickness and structure, shape your nails using a nail file and pad to create the desired nail shape and smooth out any rough edges.

Step 10: Apply Top Coat

Complete your nail extensions by applying a gel top coat to seal and protect the gel layer. Cure nails under a lamp to set the topcoat.

Step 11: Final touch

Clean your nails with alcohol or gel cleanser to remove residue and reveal shine. Moisturizes cuticles and surrounding skin to moisturize and nourish.

Continuous practice of these steps will help you become proficient in using liquid builder gel to create beautiful and durable nail extensions or enhancements.

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How To Use Liquid Builder Gel Like An Expert?

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